Circumcision: Zimbabwe / Frank Charles Carlucci III/CFR /CARLYLE GROUP
Circumcision: Zimbabwe's latest anti-HIV weapon
By Steve Vickers
BBC News, Harare
Lovemore bravely looks on at the work of the doctor and nurse as they perform the circumcision.
"It's numb, man, I can't feel a thing," he says.
"It reduces the risk of transmitting HIV, so whatever's needed for me to be safe, I've got to do it. But I intend to remain faithful to my wife."
Lovemore is one of about 3,000 men who have been circumcised since Zimbabwe's government launched a programme in mid-2009.
In the next eight years the government aims to carry out the operation on 80% of all young men in the country - three million people in all.
Circumcision is not widely practised among Zimbabwe's cultural and religious groups, but the centuries-old procedure is now regarded as a key weapon in the country's fight against the spread of
Trials in Kenya, Uganda and South Africa have shown that the operation, in which the foreskin is removed from the penis, reduces by 60% the risk of a man contracting HIV - the virus that causes Aids.
Condoms and abstinence
Zimbabwe has one of the highest HIV prevalence in the world - 13.7% in the 15 to 49 age group according to
statistics from 2009.
“ Male circumcision should not be sold as the magic bullet ”
Dr Karin Hatzold Population Services International
The government says the figures have been improving since 2007, when prevalence was more than 18%.
Officials say this is largely due to promotion of condoms, abstinence, and faithfulness to one partner.
Talent, who is 20 years old and single, is well informed of the risks of contracting HIV and is prepared to have the surgery. He is also aware of the abstinence message.
"I'm doing it for sexual hygiene, I understand that it reduces the risk of you getting infected with HIV," he says.
"But it doesn't permit you to then go and sleep around."
But some revellers at a Harare nightclub were less well-informed about the procedure.
"I'm really concerned about whether you'd live after the operation, because some people bleed to death," said one young man.
"It's a dangerous operation from what I've heard."
And 25-year-old Methembe is completely against the idea.
"I won't get circumcised, never. It would affect my sexual appetite. But for those who want, it's their choice," he said.
"Get circumcised, but you must still use condoms. Those people who are queuing for the operation believe that they will be immune to HIV, but they must know that they should also use condoms."
'Most effective'
Patients are given counselling and HIV testing before undergoing the operation, which is free of charge.
Those who test positive are advised not to have the surgery, as it could be bad for their health.
Circumcision reduces the risk of HIV infection because the inner layer of the foreskin is particularly susceptible to tearing and abrasions during sex, allowing the virus to enter the bloodstream more easily.
Dr Karin Hatzold, whose US-based group
sponsors the project, says circumcision will have a huge effect.
"It's the most effective intervention that we know today which can really save a lot of lives in terms of HIV acquisition," she says.
"But 60% is not 100%, so male circumcision should not be sold as the magic bullet.
"All the other behaviour interventions [such as abstinence and faithfulness] as well as the use of male and female condoms are as important, so they should all be used together."
The operation is carried out under local anaesthetic using the most cost-effective technique, known as the forceps method, at a cost of $40 (£26) for each patient.
The male circumcision programme has recently been taken to the armed forces, and it will be expanded further this year.
Zimbabwe has ramped up its expenditure on HIV prevention in recent years - and it will be hoping its latest programme reaps suitable rewards.
Story from BBC NEWS:
Published: 2010/02/26 02:14:17 GMT
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Board of Directors
Frank Carlucci
Chairman Emeritus
The Carlyle Group
Washington, DC
Frank Carlucci, chairman emeritus of the Carlyle Group, has more than half a century of distinguished service in the public and private sectors, and has held a number of top government positions, including secretary of defense in the Reagan Administration. Mr. Carlucci has been a managing director of Carlyle since 1989, chairman since 1993 and chairman emeritus since January 2003. Mr. Carlucci was secretary of defense from 1987-89, following his service as assistant to the president for national security affairs under President Reagan. He was chairman and CEO of Sears World Trade, a business he joined in 1983. Mr. Carlucci preceded that affiliation with a career in government service, including Deputy Secretary of Defense (1980-82), Deputy Director of Central Intelligence (1978-80), Ambassador to Portugal (1975-78), Under Secretary of Health Education and Welfare (1973-75), Deputy Director of the Office of Management and Budget (1970-72), and Director of the Office of Economic Opportunity (1969). He was a Foreign Service Officer and served as an officer in the U.S. Navy Mr. Carlucci graduated from Princeton University and attended Harvard Business School.
Frank Charles Carlucci III
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Frank Charles Carlucci III has been a member of the Council on Foreign Relations since at least 1995.
Carlucci is a director on United Defense Industries (the United States' largest defense contractor), which is owned by the Carlyle Group, a merchant bank based in Washington, D.C., of which Carlucci is the chairman. Carlucci joined Carlyle in 1989.
Carlucci is both a trustee of the RAND Corporation and co-chair of the RAND Center for Middle East Public Policy (CMEPP), which "sets the standard for research and analysis on the Middle East
Carlucci served a long career with the U.S. Government. He was a Foreign Service Officer from 1956 to 1980. Government service included positions as Deputy Secretary of Defense (1980-82), Deputy Director of Central Intelligence (1978-80), Ambassador to Portugal (1975-78), Under Secretary of Health Education and Welfare (1973-75), Deputy Director of OMB (1970-72), and Director of the Office of Economic Opportunity (1969).
"Mr. Carlucci is Chairman Emeritus of both Nortel Networks and the Carlyle Group. He also is affiliated with distinguished think tanks including the RAND Corporation (a member of it Board of Trustees) and Project for the New American Century." He is also currently on the board of advisors for the Alliance for a New Kosovo. [1]
Before returning to Government service, Carlucci was Chairman and CEO of Sears World Trade, a business he joined in 1983. He was President Ronald Reagan's National Security Advisor in 1987 and Secretary of Defense from 1987 to 1988.
He is Chairman Emeritus of The Academy of Diplomacy and his name has been linked with the Hudson Institute.
Carlucci either serves or has served on the following corporate boards: Ashland, Inc.; BDM International, Inc.; East New York Savings Bank; General Dynamics Corporation; Kaman Corporation; National Endowment for Democracy; Neurogen Corporation; Northern Telecom Limited; The Quaker Oats Company; SunResorts, Ltd., N.V.; Texas Biotechnology Corporation; Pharmacia & Upjohn, Inc.; Westinghouse Electric Corporation; and the Board of Trustees for the RAND Corporation.
Among his awards and honors are: Herbert Roback Memorial Award, 1989; George C. Marshall Award, 1989; Honorary Doctor of Laws Degree, University of Scranton, 1989; Woodrow Wilson Award, 1988; James Forrestal Award, 1988; Presidential Citizens Award, 1983; National Intelligence Distinguished Service Medal, 1981; Defense Department Distinguished Civilian Service Award, 1977; Health, Education and Welfare Distinguished Civilian Service Award, 1975; and State Department Superior Service Award, 1971.
He is Chairman Emeriti of the American Academy of Diplomacy. [1]
* Director, Population Services International
* Honorary Director, Drug Policy Alliance
* Former Trustee, National Policy Association [2]
* Former Director (as of 1998), IRI International [3]
Frank Charles Carlucci III (born October 18, 1930) is a former government official in the United States, associated with the Republican Party. He was United States Secretary of Defense from 1987 until 1989.
* 1 Early career
* 2 Administration
* 3 Post-Administration work
o 3.1 Business
o 3.2 Organizations
* 4 References
* 5 External links
[edit] Early career
Carlucci was born in Scranton, Pennsylvania. He graduated from Wyoming Seminary in 1948 and Princeton University in 1952, where he roomed with Donald Rumsfeld, and attended Harvard Business School in 1954-55. He was a Naval officer from 1952-54. He joined the Foreign Service, working for the State Department from 1956 until 1969. In 1961 he participated in a CIA mission to Congo, in which he helped to rescue US citizens from mobs.
According to James Schlesinger, following the death of Patrice Lumumba, the new Prime Minister of the Congo, Cyrille Adoula, began a meeting with President John F. Kennedy with the question "Ou est Carlucci?" (Where is Carlucci?), who first responded "Who the hell is Carlucci?'" and then sent Dean Rusk to find him.[1]
In the year 2000, a film called Lumumba portrayed him as being involved during his service in Congo in the murder of Congolese independence leader Patrice Lumumba. Carlucci furiously denied the charges, and successfully went to court to prevent being named in the film when it was released in the United States.
[edit] Administration
During the early 1970s Rumsfeld became Mr. Carlucci's protégé as Mr. Carlucci showed him the ropes. Carlucci was Undersecretary of Health, Education and Welfare when Caspar Weinberger was secretary during the Nixon administration. Carlucci became Ambassador to Portugal, and served in this position from 1974 until 1977. He is still very fondly remembered in Portugal among the winners of the November 25 Coup d'État [1]. Carlucci was Deputy Director of the CIA from 1978-1981, under CIA Director Stansfield Turner. Carlucci was deputy defense secretary from 1981 until 1983 [2], national security advisor from 1986 until 1987, and defense secretary in 1987, following the resignation of Weinberger, his nomination by President Ronald Reagan and his confirmation in the Senate by a vote of 91 to 1. He was reportedly less hard-line in policies toward the Soviet Union than Weinberger.
On January 5, 2006, he participated in a meeting at the White House of former Secretaries of Defense and State to discuss United States foreign policy with Bush administration officials.
[edit] Post-Administration work
[edit] Business
Carlucci served as chairman of the Carlyle Group from 1992-2003, and chairman emeritus until 2005. He also has business interests in the following companies: General Dynamics, Westinghouse, Ashland Oil, Neurogen, CB Commercial Real Estate, Nortel, BDM International, Quaker Oats, and Kaman. Carlucci is Chairman of Envion USA, and former director of Wackenhut. He is a co-founder and senior member of the Frontier Group, a private equity investment firm co-founded by David Robb (formerly with The Carlyle Group) and to which Sanford McDonnell and Norm Augustine are senior advisors. Frontier Group is the principal investor in Utopia Residences (, which has ordered the Utopia ocean liner [see "A Cruise That Never Ends". Retrieved 2009-12-21.]. Carlucci is an Advisory board member of G2 Satellite Solutions and the Chairman Emeritus of Nortel Networks.
[edit] Organizations
He is affiliated with the Project for the New American Century, or PNAC, a neo-conservative thinktank.[citation needed]He formerly sat on the Board of Directors of the Middle East Policy Council.[citation needed] He is Chairman Emeritus of the US-Taiwan Business Council [3]. Carlucci is a member of the Board of Trustees of the RAND Corporation and founding co-chair of the Advisory Board for RAND's Center for Middle East Public Policy.[citation needed]
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